Devin came over!

Little (or not so little) boys and sleepovers. Parents pack pajamas – they get ignored in favor of just sleeping in boxer shorts. Endless electronic games. Can a friendship be maintained just by talking to each other over strategies of little avatars?  I swear – these two boys spent 24 hours together and all they wanted to do was play video games and eat junk food.   I had to actually camp out in the room until 11 when they both fell asleep, which is like an hour and a half past my bedtime.  And they were up by 7 am, TV on and bed heads all around.


Lunch: Tater tots, ravioli and peanut butter sandwiches.


Change is in the air.

We went a week without childcare and survived. Since I work from home, I often toy with the idea that perhaps we do not need to hire childcare as it is a large expense of ours and I would love to spend the money to replace thread-bare and stained sofas (which are starting to be an embarrassment when pals come over) and paint the house (which is still contractor white) and a nice beautiful leather purse. But it usually takes only a week of juggling, getting less sleep, calling in favors, being behind on work and cancelling appointments to convince me that, indeed, childcare is money well spent. It just that Vince is quickly approaching the age where he does not need very much supervision – while Edda still very much does.

I spent the morning filling out a form called the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Test for Edda because she needs to be categorized within the school system. Pages and pages of check marks indicating the severity of her disability. No, she cannot point to three major body parts when asked, nor does she tell lies nor does she hold a part time job. I don’t really no what the point of this test is – but dutifully I fill it out.

Of course, I am not really doing well on my quest to lose 5 pounds – here is an exquisite caramel/chocolate/sea salt cupcake I ate on a girl’s lunch out last week. Yum!


Our friend the philosopher.


Alan, our friend the philosopher, stayed at our house over the holidays. He was in town for a philosophy meeting. We discussed the prevalence of black turtlenecks at the meeting. Can’t you just imagine all the people sitting around in black turtlenecks philosophizing? Vince asked what exactly a philosopher does. What does a philosopher do? Read, write, and teach. Philosophers also enjoy eating cupcakes!