
Our toilet has been leaking.  For a few weeks now, it’s been getting stuck in the “open” position after flushing and then it keeps running until someone notices.  We’ve “fixed” it temporarily by leaving the ceramic tank lid off and then if you notice it stuck, you can just use your finger to nudge it down.  I’ve gone to Home Depot twice already to fix this toilet.  The first time, I was so excited and bought a dual flush apparatus to have low water use for pee and high water use for poop (I did this because I knew Jeremy would like it, and I wanted to transfer some of that affection of water savings to affection for me), but it didn’t fit the tank.  Then I went back and bought the standard repair kit.  Tonight, I really broke the toilet trying to fix it and I found out that the replacement part isn’t sold in Home Depot and wasn’t the one I bought – it’s sold online.  This toilet was part of American Standard’s “we can flush 18 golf-balls down the drain” line and had super fancy toilet innards. Now the toilet is out of commission pending the two-day Amazon prime delivery truck.


Vince’s Halloween costume is something I do not understand.  It’s a “Doge meme”.  Whatever that is. I’m reminded everyday how old I really am.


We spent some of the morning doing our duty for local politics.  It was a beautiful day, Jeremy and I are supporting Team Rockville.  A little rally –


A few speeches –


On to signage –


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