Last week was a doozy. I felt like everything was overwhelming and that I couldn’t possibly keep up. When I get overwhelmed and then a little cloud settles on my brain, then the rate at which I get anything done slows down and it reinforces my perception that I can’t possibly get everything done that I want to get done. I’m too overcommitted & the family is too overscheduled. Sometimes I try harder to get at it, but often what needs to happen is to take a nap and not fight it. To let the mood move through you. But sometimes I need to not mope in bed and get out of bed and get moving again. It’s a tricky thing. And as Vickey says, it all gets done in the end somehow. And it does.
Was it because I turned 47 on Saturday? I don’t really think so. I had a very nice weekend and today, Monday morning, I feel good. We had so many dinner guests this past week, so when Jeremy heard that there was to be only three of us (Vince was out) on Friday night, he said – let’s go out, we’ll celebrate early. And we went to Founding Farmers, and although I didn’t think it was going to be anything extraordinary, we had a great time. Edda ate well (she’s been having trouble eating recently. It’s almost as if she’d forgotten she was hungry. She would take many minutes to decide to take a bite of food (even her very favorites, sweets and fruits, took a long time) and then she would hold the food in her mouth – like a chipmunk. This is not like her. For a Rett girl, she eats happily and well and competently. I was worried, maybe she had suffered a concussion in her fall on the first day of school and forgotten how to eat.) We had, what seemed like, a seven course dinner, including two courses of dessert.
Saturday, I had a very nice birthday run in which I started early before it got warm and I paced perfectly so I felt strong through to the end. A wonderful birthday gift to myself. Then I admired all the wrinkles which have taken me 47 years to make. Generally, I’m OK with the grey and the wrinkles. We’ll see what happens. I can change my mind, though I think my inner cheapness will always win out on my outer beauty.
I did spend the afternoon of my birthday in a mild funk, but then we went to Costco and Jeremy made me a wonderful birthday dinner. A roast, a salad with candied walnuts.
I look so much like my mother these days.
Vince’s big Eagle Scout project was this weekend as well. Three meals for 65 people each at the local homeless shelter. Dinner on Sunday night and then delivery of breakfast and lunch for Monday.
They used the church’s kitchen. Please admire the hair nets which took me consulting 4 friends, asking at the Ulta store and running around to three different places to procure them the morning of the cooking. Though Jeremy help drive the kids around, he stayed out of the kitchen and Vince coordinated all the cooking. Chicken for dinner, pancakes for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Jeremy called me and said, Vince brought no papers, no recipes, no notes. Sigh. But it all got done somehow.
Delivery at the shelter.
And the handshake. Well done.
And my father is back in town – hello to Edda.