Weekend wrap up.


Finished the very last day of OB clinical on Friday.


Drove a bunch of boy scouts (and Keyla and her pals) to Hershey Park on Saturday.


Did a very Noel Lee / Donald Lee thing and took a nap in the van while the boys went up and down all the roller coasters.



Went to my favorite toddler’s birthday party!  Happy 3rd birthday Bert.  This is the only photo I took with my iPhone, but I took more than 600 photos on my big camera.  I hope some of them turned out.  Or at least are better than this one.


Edda came to the party.  Ate and took a nap.



Hosted Sunday night dinner for the first time since 2007 without Jeremy.  Turns out I can order Chinese food as well as the next person.  Jeremy left today for a week in Chicago…!


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