So the trees came yesterday..AND I WAS READY. The deer cages were up, my new hose reel was ready to deploy. I’ve been focusing on weight training for exercise…grrrr… I have never felt so prepared to garden. I soaked the trees in water for an hour or so before I plunged them into the ground. The oaks and the redbud were substantial in size….

But the serviceberry was….a nine inch stick with like three old man whiskers for roots. This is totally not going to be able to live in my backyard….because it’s a stick. But I tied a red ribbon around it so that I would not mistake it for trash and then did plant it into the ground. Then the watering involved turning on the water spigot which I had turned off for the winter and, also sending a text alert to Jeremy with excessive water use threatening entire house shut off, and getting myself moderately wet by errant and unexpected spray, so…in other words, a success.

We’ve lived in the house since 8/8/08 and I don’t think I’ve spent so much time in our backyard as I have the last two days. Let’s see what happens. Elka is here checking out my work. I did have her outside with me on a leash while I was working.

Felix and I did our first driving lesson together yesterday. (Sometimes I think I do nothing all day, but then…I do do stuff. It all goes into the ether). I had been passive aggressively putting it off. For all young, new drivers, the state of MD makes them take a 30 hour class and then three 2 hour driving sessions from a third party company. Felix is done with the class, but they scared him and said that there was a possibility of failing the driving sessions and you’d have to pay an extra $65 to retake the driving sessions. So then he was like, I need to practice with you (meaning me) before I do a session and I’m like – I really, really hate teaching new drivers how to drive, so I want you to take at least 1 two hour lesson before I sit next to you in our car. Anyways…I put it off for a while, but I relented first (why is that always the case?) and we drove to the twinbrook library which involved driving on Rockville Pike, Viers Mill road, backing up, parking, three point turns and then finally pulling into our garage. He did great! Totally ready for sessions with a professional driving instructor. And we have to do like 60 hours of this….omg.