This past week, Jeremy was in Germany for a business meeting, so I high tailed it to the Martin’s up in Red Hook. We had a very nice week together. Bob was in New York City for much of the week practicing. Jeremy came back on Friday night and we left for Philadelphia on Saturday morning. We stopped off and joined Gargi and family for a late afternoon visit. Then we went to the Haverford Student Center, where we were to spend the night in guest rooms. On Sunday, we walked around campus (it was an absolutely beautiful weekend) in the morning and fed the ducks. For lunch, we went to Caleb’s house where I met his mom, dad, mom-in-law and we had a nice time. In the afternoon, we went to the concert. A person fainted in the lobby and Jeremy helped out. Gargi and I tooled around campus. Sunday night, we went out to this Italian place and Gene had driven up from DC. Monday we had breakfast with Ariah (sp?) and old family friend and lunch with Lyle, who was Jeremy’s professor. It was wonderful.. On the way back, we stopped off in Princeton. We talked about coffee grinders and new cars.