An email from Uncle Gene about Sylvia, Jeremy’s grandmother:
Mom died this evening at 10:36 pm. She was at Foxdale where she was
getting very attentive and loving care –and good drugs– to ensure
that she was comfortable and without pain. I had driven up last Wednesday
night when the staff thought she would “be going within hours” and I spent
Thursday with her. (That was the third time I’d gone up to see her for
a last time. But, as always, she held on until she was ready.) She hasn’t
been verbal for a while and lately, had become non-responsive as well;
I started speaking to her by phone with a nurse holding the phone to her
ear. The nurse called this evening to say that it was probably very soon now.
So, I called to tell her that Bob and I loved her and that everyone was
sending her their love and I wished her good night. The nurse told me
later that she (nurse) said essentially the same thing to Mom after
hanging up the phone; Mom looked up at her, as if to acknowledge what
she’d said (?), and stopped breathing shortly thereafter.