The 2 Modern Wonders of the World

I’m speaking of course of The Internet and The Kitchen.

I get to post _from my bed_! Wow!

I got to _toast_ my bagel! Amazing!

There’s another half a wonder – laundry. It’s nice to have just downstairs. Oh yes. It’s nice to have heating too. Everyone is trying to be stingy on the heating. We are setting it at a chilly 60 degrees. For me, this is the tropics! Oh la la.

I’ve got 3 other roomies – Frank, Eon, and Andrew. They all seem pretty chill. Frank just moved to the Bay Area, so he’s pretty bored sometimes – like tonight. We both took a little excursion to Safeway and Ranch 99 in his new Mazda 3. It’s a nice car. I can’t wait for Choon to get his TSX.

Wow. I’m still in awe.

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