I think to attend a welding class of $150 is a very good idea. Just as you said, it keeps you occupied until you find something. In the process, you learn something new and never know when it becomes useful. You may look at attending a regular professional school, obtaining other types of educaion or exploring other options. When needed, you can always get loans from us to do things. It is better to spend it now to bettering yourself than sitting there.
Mom told me this morning in Chung Ming that she offered a grand-daughter of her aunt a computer. She needs one. She is the one who, about 2 years ago, received a year college tuition from Mom. Mom even told me that if anyone in her family can get into Harvard while she is alive, she would certainly help. I believe she meant it.
It is bitter cold outside. It is about 2 degress. I have to go to the Beaver Valley Nuclear Plant this morning. I am waiting for the day break before leaving. I am concerned the country roads are icy and, without day light, not too good for driving.