Donald, Jeremy, Dad, Vince, Edda and I went to NYC today. We took the train in and met Ben and Emy at Grand Central. Then we went to a good Korean restaurant and had BBQ yum! Dad treated all of us in celebration of Ben’s impending fatherhood. Then we walked through central park and went to the Central Park Zoo. Along the way, Vince and Edda shared a hot dog. Then we headed home. Took a cab, which Vince loved and ate at the train station. When we came home, we discovered that Ruby had an accident in her crate. Leaving her home for 10 hours was too long. Oh well.
Well, I had a wonderful time with Jeremy, Doris, Donald, Vince, Edda, Ruby and the Martins. Came back last night after 8 1/2 hours drive. Rain a lot, the last leg was not easy.
Well, byw, the blog formats were changed. How to post something on it?