
So Ben is back in the big apple after his trip to Sweden. He and Johanna went to their first prenatal exam while he was there. The little one is due on German reunification day, October 3. Their current plan is that Ben move to Sweden on June 1st and then finish his dissertation before the baby arrives, then once the baby arrives, Johanna has a 9 month maternity leave and they will start that. He has a one year post-doc lined up in the fall in Berlin, but he’s hoping to delay that until the spring. Then he, Johanna and the baby will move to Berlin until August 2006. And then they would move back to Stockholm where Johanna would go back to work and Ben would be a stay-at-home dad and look for work in the US in Fall of 2007. Meanwhile, Johanna is interviewing for a job in Bogata, Columbia right now and Ben is also waiting to hear from post docs from Harvard and UChicago, so many things are still up in the air for them. But they are happy and Johanna and the baby have made it through the first trimester healthy! Yeah!

We are trying to overlap with them while living in Germany, but I think it may be a stretch.

So I’ve been submitting poems to literary journals, and I’ve been getting the steady trickle of rejection letters, but I’ve been reading on the web that if an editor pens a personal note on the rejection slip, that that is a little sign of encouragement. So, I got my first personal note! The poem is still rejected, but the editor of Diner wrote, “Try again after June -you can submit up to 5 poems -Editor” !!

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