Jeremy just walked out the door to head to the airport. It was kind of a crazy day. I didn’t want to miss my last piano lesson of the spring semester and our friend Ruth is in town to celebrate Passover with her family and only had today from 10-2 to see Vince. So Jeremy drove to the city to see her. They went to the Natural History Museum and as soon as Vince saw Ruth, he took her hand and promptly walked away from Jeremy, Edda and the stroller. So the two of them wandered around the museum with Jeremy trying to follow. Bob was in town rehersing with his quartet and the 2nd violinist, Patty, was also there and they met up with the kid crew. Jeremy said it was quite a parade through the museum: Edda, Vince, Ruth, Jeremy, Bob, Patty, 1 cello, 1 violin and 1 double stroller with no kids sitting in it.
At lunch, since Ruth was in charge, Vince had a blue drink, Doritos, cupcake and a pretzle for lunch. I went to the mall and enjoyed a few hours without the kids in preparation for my week.
I got my period today and I’m in a much, much better mood. We’ll see how it holds out.