So we are back home! We had a wonderful time and met lots of wonderful people. Eveybody got up today at 4 am today because of jet lag and now Jeremy and the kids are out on a walk while I do my blogging. I have to say that I didn’t get any pictures of Johanna, Ben’s girlfriend, who now has a wonderfully 2nd trimester shaped belly. Nor did I get photos of Clara and Colette, our hostesses in Evian – friends of bob and katherine – who arranged hotels and massages for us, not did I get photos of the bride and groom of the wedding we went to near Grenoble, but what the hey, there are pictures of the kids, what more can you ask for?
Welcome back but soon you are heading to Singapore.
Jet lag on the Europe run is not that bad considering the Asian Pacific run.
Welcome back and looking forward to seeing you all soon.