Birthday party!

One of Edda’s classmates had a birthday party at her house. I was in charge of driving the whole class over to the party. Normally, I don’t like to drive anyone around – but what can you do when you have the only car and it’s a minivan..


I was looking at the map last night to find out where I was suppose to drive to and I was so confused – the address seemed to take up the whole end of the street. Could this one house actually occupy a whole street-end-worth of land? I mentioned it to Jeremy and I was so excited, I have actually never been to a landed house before – that is, a house that is sitting on it’s own land with lawn all around it. (Our apt is about 1100 sq. ft. and there are a bazillion units in our condo complex which takes up a city block – typical singapore living arrangement.) So a house is very rare indeed. Imagine my surprise when I drove up and saw this:


Beautiful old colonial house with verandahs and everything! You just need to sit back under the ceiling fans and drink your gin and tonics.

Lovely place and lovely party. Exploring the grounds, meeting the dogs, face painting and jumping on trampoline.


4 thoughts on “Birthday party!”

  1. it is very rare house especially in Singarpore. Very happy to know you all had good time. Thanks to the driver. Good job!

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