Weekend from Heaven/Hell.

It was a good weekend, tho I’m really beat right now… Here’s the summary.

Thursday – Shwe’s birthday party. We surprised him at his house and had his favorite food – pizza!

Friday – Climbing with Julie, Wasi, Josh and Pei-Yean – Pei-Sun’s sister. Pei-Yean had just flown in from Malaysia on Thursday night, went to Shwe’s party, and then came climbing with us. She had been sleeping all afternoon, before climbing. And we all went out to eat after climbing at 10:30. I didn’t get to sleep until 2:30am.

Saturday – woke up at 7am to go hiking with Anu and Jonathan and their new husky mix, Chutney. We went off to Montara Mountain in Pacifica. It was good to catch up with them. I hadn’t seen them in awhile. 8 miles, and we were done at 2:30. Right from the parking lot, Mike and I changed and took a hard bike ride on the 1 for 1.5 hours. And afterwards we went the Asian Film Festival to watch Shanghai Kiss. I would review it, but some folks I know are going to watch the second showing in SJ this Friday. And of course, we ate afterwards. I didn’t get to bed until 2am.

Sunday – woke up at 8am to go on Yet Another Hard Bike Ride – for about 2 hours, with Mike, Ky and Ray. Afterwards, we had an all day affair with the Karims, because Akil is moving to LA next week. We had brunch at Stacks, drove up to Golden Gate Park to check out the De Young Museum. I shopped with Zainab a bit in the Haight, and we went to eat a Burma Superstar. Yummy, but the wait is so long that they make you put your phone number down on the waitlist and they will call you when the table is ready! And then we went to the venerable Ghirardelli Square to have an Earthquake – 9 scoops and a ton of toppings. I didn’t sleep until midnight.

and it’s not going to end there…

Monday – climbing/date
Tuesday – swing dancing
Wednesday – another asian film in SF and eating afterwards
Thursday – mixers and bowling
Friday – climbing
Saturday – go kart racing, and dinner


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