
I’m a pretty mainstream gal most of the time, but I do identify with the “granola moms”. You know, the moms that do the Bradley method for childbirth (no epidural) and have midwives and doulas, that nurse their babies forever, that cook everything organic and make their own babyfood, do attachment parenting and wear Birkenstocks.

I used to be a much more staunch advocate (with Vince, I did do 40 hours of labor without any pain medication and when I look back on myself I just think “Why did I do that?” But at the time, it’s what I wanted to do, so whatever..), but since I’ve become a mother 5 years ago and especially dealing with Edda and her needs, my views have softened quite a bit and I’m a live and let live about these things now. Not everyone has the same circumstances and priorities and that’s OK by my book.

My neighbor is really into all the granola-ness and invited me today to the Honest Weight Food Coop to the natural parenting meeting. I had a great time mainly because Edda had a great time – walking around and seeming really pleased to be in the middle of a whole bunch of babies. And everyone was very nice to us and accepting. It was nice. The food coop is cool too. Just what Whole Foods is suppose to be like before they became WHOLE FOODS, you know what I mean?

On a more stressful note, on the way out of the parking lot of the Coop, I had a fender bender in our rental minivan. I can’t decide what happened. I was behind another car making a right out of the lot into traffic. That person made a right without incident. Then I pulled up, stopped, and looked to my left for oncoming traffic. When it was clear, I turned right and then hit a car with my right front bumper. Of course, I have a picture


The driver immediately came out of the car and said that he was just “parked” there. But do you see how he’s parked in the driveway of the coop? How the curb starts right after his front wheel? I think he went past me on and then stopped right in front of me. Ugh. But I was moving and he was not.

Thank goodness it was only the cars and no one was injured.

3 thoughts on “Crappy.”

  1. Wow, I really *have* been out of it! You’re in NY now! I’m glad you’re settling in so well, and relieved that your little car incident wasn’t any worse.

  2. You know, we drive on the right side of the road in the US. 😛 Jk.

    Sounds like that dude, just parked right in front of you. You probably should have seen him there, but he probably shouldn’t have been there either.

  3. I used to go to Whole Foods as a kid when it was in a small building that later became our laundromat. The yogurt often was spoiled. Bummer on the accident. In the famous last words of Rolleen Stricker, “that’s what bumpers are for dear”.

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