I have been in a foul mood since Friday night. Just tired and moody and on-edge. I knew it was going to be a rough patch when Jeremy and I started arguing about our Verizon service on Friday. Whenever we both are down, it’s Verizon who gets the heat. Last year, while we were in the midst of Edda’s diagnosis drama, Jeremy spent 4 months arguing (from Singapore!) a $400+ cell phone bill down to a $2 credit. He actually danced around the apartment gleefully yelling, “They owe me money!” and perhaps doing a little happy dance.
So when Friday night started with a complaint about how my cell phone sucks because the little microphone needs to be in the exact right place or else he can’t hear me and we have to get our money back/return the phone/buy a replacement phone/be mad at each other for throwing the original packaging out, etc. etc, I knew it was a bad start to the weekend. And once I’m in a bad mood, I think I’m never going to get out of it and well remain forever a grumpy, angry lump of a person. But today, thankfully at about 8:30 am, for no particular reason, I felt much better and I’m glad to say that I’m done with grumpiness at least for a little while.
The DC area is suppose to be hitting all time highs today and tomorrow. I was assured on many web pages that as long as it was hotter than 95F, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. So we tried.
Look, Jeremy’s barefoot on the black asphalt. Not a good egg-frying sign.
Vince, master egg breaker. (Where’s Edda? She’s the smart one, inside with the AC on)
We left it out for at least an hour.
Nothing. Maybe a little congealing, but nothing I would eat.
We will try again tomorrow. Maybe.
That looks like fun 🙂 Maybe try putting the egg directly on the asphalt?
Edda WAS the smart one, Brooklyn would have joined her inside with the AC! You will have to let us know if it works directly on the asphalt.