Happy 35th birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me! I’m getting to be a pretty big number, it’s a little scary. Jeremy made a blueberry crunch coffeecake for me last night and ran out early this morning for vanilla ice cream, so we celebrated at 7:30 am right before the kids left for school. I got a new camera – funded by my parents, my in-laws and Jeremy. Thanks for the gift, I hope it repays itself in some nice pictures here on the blog.

Once the kids were off safely (Vince had to run to catch the bus, it’s been coming early for a few days now), Jeremy and I walked on the C&O canal and talked about how our leisurely life is coming to an end. My commute is 90 minutes each way, I’m going to be away from the house a lot starting Monday. Jeremy is still freaking me out by asking each day, “so tell me again, when does Vince’s bus come?”

He made me arroz con pollo for dinner.


4 thoughts on “Happy 35th birthday to me!”

  1. Happy birthday! (I know its a bit late lah), what do you mean big number? I am much older than you, but each day feel likes I am 25!
    We are off to HK tomorrow, bring Natasha to see Disneyland! lets see how is going! (alone with my daughter and my husband!)
    Have a nice weekend and please send a big wet kiss to your family from Natasha (you know she like to kiss)


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