Running outside.


There is a gym at work that I joined the second day on the job. Since 5,000 people work at my office building, it is a full-service gym with 4-5 aerobics classes every day, personal trainers for hire, full complement of weights and exercise machines.

The first 2 months on the job, I was dutiful. I would go at lunch and run a couple of miles on the treadmill or row a 5K on the rower. Then I got bored. So I started going to exercise classes. I learned to dance like they do on TV with the hand/arm/shoulder/back/hip thing, I learned what a jab and upper cut was in kickboxing class, and I spent an hour sweating while two incredibly good looking gay men taught me how to Zumba.

But then I begged off and then I got sick for 3 weeks. Finally, I’m on my feet again and itching to take a break in the middle of the day and be outside. So I’ve decided to run outside. I’m always nervous looking for the perfect route. What happens if I get tired and can’t make it back to work? What happens if I get lost? Jeremy encouraged me to find something to run around so I won’t be tempted to cut the run short. Today, amidst flurries, I ran around the cemetery!


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