Vince’s new love is Star Wars legos. He spends a lot of his time watching stop motion movies on youtube of other people building their Star Wars legos. Who knew that people spent time videoing themselves building Legos that you can go to Target buy for 14.99 and put together yourself, but what the heck do I know?
I thought it might be nice to actually watch Star Wars, so I checked Star Wars III (I’m sorry, I forget the subtitle) out from the library and we watched about 2 minutes of the movie until Vince insisted that it be turned off because it was too scary and declared, “I’m not a fan of Star Wars, I’m only a fan of Star Wars Legos.”
Size of the house is not nearly as important as how many bathrooms is my advice. Love the eggs. Star wars just never seems to go away here and Josh is 12. Even with a cast on his hand he is still able to put those darn things together. Of course, pickingup is shoes and putting them into the closet is impossible with a cast on.
Attention prospective Au pair-These folks are great!