Jeremy’s flight came in at 6:30 pm tonight and I worked, worked, worked right up to the last minute trying to finish all that I wanted to do. This is the end of the quarter for me, I wanted to do a good job and so I worked ferociously today and I got done what I needed to get done.
I had driven to work so I could leave work and head straight to Dulles, because Dulles is not really accessable by public transit. On a side note, it only took me an hour to get to work even though I left the house at 7:30 am which is the peak of morning rush hour, vs the 1.5 hours it takes me via public transit. Sigh, there is no getting around that the subway is just slow.
I am officially a stick shift driver now, I’ve taken the car on the Beltway in rush hour traffic! I can downshift and I can handle stop and go traffic. It has only taken me 12 years to learn to drive a stick shift, Jeremy’s always had one since we’ve been together (he’s had 3 different cars in 12 years), and I’m sure I tried to learn to drive each and every one of them. Now I just have to learn how to take the curves without putting on the brakes.