Charlotte, a dear family friend – the person who officiated at our wedding (ten years ago!), was in town for a talk/conference/ and her own Chinese-buffet retirement party. We were invited to her talk at the Library of Congress and then to the dinner/party at the Hunan Palace.
Jeremy and I rarely venture out after dark, so this was a mid-week date night which I think hasn’t happened in many, many years.
I got flowers for the guest of honor:
I oogled this cream/blue duplex in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, not exactly ADA accessible, but that is a whole ‘nuther issue.
And here’s Jeremy reading our tribute limericks. For those who know Charlotte, the other two people in the photo are Charlotte’s son and grandson. I don’t have a very good photo of Charlotte, I was sitting in the back far away an my flash could not go so far….
There once was a scholar of China
A native of North Carolina
She married a Furth
For love and for mirth
And their children just couldn’t be fina.
When Doris and Jeremy wed
The priestess was dressed all in red
She gave them advice
On how to be nice
And how to get ready for bed.
Charlotte said much depends upon Dinner
this makes us happy, if not any thinner
mind your manners, said she
and sheng sheng bu shi
Good advice to connubial beginners