Work Continue in the House

Work continue in the house in preparation of heading west – painted the front door; put a glass window in the laundry room; washed all the windows and sidings at the back of the house using pressurized water; installed a vertical blind in the basement door; wall-mounted some of Donald’s woodwork in the family room and first floor bath room; cleaned up the exhaust duct of the dryer.

And there are still a lot of things need to be done in the house. Still have time, I think, to finish most items on the to-do list.

One thought on “Work Continue in the House”

  1. I am so in awe.

    HOw do you clean the exhaust duct
    of the dryer? I have never even looked at mine.

    YOu’re welcome to stop here in
    L.A.-I can give you a bed, feed
    you some great Thai food and
    find plenty of things which need
    to be done, jsut so your skills dont

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