Edda is now happy watching Madagascar – one of her favorite videos. She seems back to her old self and we are under orders not to let her drink anything through a straw. I asked Jeremy what that was all about and he said that maybe the suction or the poking would dislodge something or other and then I asked well about the fact that she shoves her whole hand in her mouth all the time?!? He looked at me and shrugged.
OK, while Edda and Jeremy were at the hospital having dental surgery, Vince and I were suppose to do something fun and exciting. I thought maybe going to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3D would be something fun and exciting, or going swimming or going to the library or going on a bike ride. We did nothing of the sort – we basically stayed inside. Well we did make it out for 15 minutes on our neighbor’s swing.
So glad the dental surgery went well! Looks like the swing is a hit! ;0)