Spring break (day 1).

Jeremy is actually at work today – something about an all-day meeting and a road map thing-y, I’m at home with the kids. I’m a little bit rusty at the stay-at-home mom thing, I don’t often have to do it for longer than 4 hours at a stretch now that both the kids are in school.

This morning, I got up and thought I’d take the kids to the pool and then to some sort of museum type-thing, but then I realized that I’m a little lazy today – the rainy weather not helping my laziness. Also, Edda has not gone #2 in 2 days and I am a little hesitant to do the whole change into the swim diaper thing because, well, because I’m a little worried about pooping in the pool.

So, I convinced the kids that a mid-morning bath was just as good as the pool and we did have a fun hour or so in and out of the tub. (Yes, I almost always still get into the bath with the kids).



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