Stay-cation (day 3).

Went to the National Zoo today. I’m enjoying this stay-cation. Usually the weekends are too packed with errands and various scheduled kid activities, I often feel that we don’t have much time to just hang and be a family. It’s been nice these past few days to see the local attractions with no huge rush to go anywhere. Edda was doing a low moaning and whining lot during a good deal of the trip, not entirely thrilled at looking at the animals. After a little while of this moaning, we usually pull out the DVD player and let her watch a little Dora or Blue’s Clues to kind of center her and calm her down.


But the past few days during our outings, Vince has discovered that if he sits on Edda’s wheelchair and plays peek-a-boo or pretends to be a chicken, not only does he get a free ride to where ever we are going, he also gets Edda out of her funk and gets her to laugh her head off. Of course, it’s intensely loud and obnoxious (especially the chicken noises) but what can I say? It’s better than the low moan from Edda telling me that I’m torturing her by taking her to see the elephants…



After the chicken routine, Edda was in a great mood.


And so was Vincent:


And here’s an animal picture – cheetah eating frozen rabbit:


2 thoughts on “Stay-cation (day 3).”

  1. Okay I want to see a video of the chicken thing that Vince does! Hurry before Time Warner starts charging us us for bandwidth (Austin is the test market for the country). Eeew cheetah eating a frozen rabbit.

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