Bad things.

As I get older, I am more acutely aware that unlike a lot of good things (like friendships or a banana creme pie) which take a little effort and time to come to you, bad things always seem to come quickly and suddenly without warning.

A few weeks ago, shortly after Vince learned to ride his 2-wheeler, we were coming home from church and he was all excited about his new found skill. Laughing and going a little fast, he zoomed down the street. I followed about 10 feet behind on my bike cautioning him to slow down and pay attention.

The street gently slopes downward towards our house and as I watched from behind, I saw him lose his footing on the pedals and then lose control of the handlebars and then run face first into a parked van. He screamed, the van’s alarm started wailing, I abandoned the bikes and carried him home. He was shaken up, but was fine all over. He said his chin hurt, but nothing else. I didn’t even think to check his helmet since it looked like he hit his face mainly, and not his noggin.

Only yesterday I found out that his helmet probably played an important role in him being OK. Whew. Something bad averted. Now he needs a new helmet.


5 thoughts on “Bad things.”

  1. Well, these things always happened. Put protection gears on is a must. After accidents, one has to be watched closely for a long while to make sure that nothing is wrong, especially for the kids and seniors.

    The roads around your house is not a good place to ride bike. It is just to steep at some places and close to the car traffic.

  2. So glad Vince is OK. I have to admit, I’m one of those parents -“I never wore a helmet so why do my kids need to” – that picture of the crack in Vince’s helmet is going to cause me to put helmets on my kids – Thanks!!!

  3. I’m glad he’s okay! Especially those teeth. I had a wreck with no helmet and was on a flat road going so slow but hit my head just right and to this day cannot remember anything about the accident after it happened. One minute I was riding and then suddenly hooked onto an elderly man’s side view mirror. The next thing, I’m in an ambulance with people staring down at me and wondering where are my pants. I couldn’t tell them my name my birthdate, soc. sec#. Now I always wear a helmet. Joshua’s helmet saved his cabesa as well. Although he did break his arm. His dad had a wreck and the helmet a very good one, did not cover enough of his head and he required stitches where the chain gear thingy cut just behind and below his ear. They both wear BMX helmets now which provide more coverage.

  4. Bridget – I’m happy that you are going to helmet your kids!

    Sheila – I’m glad you can remember your name now ;P. I think maybe we’ll get the BMX helmet next, it is a cooler look.

    Mom and Dad, I remember that bike accident so clearly… and yet, not so clearly also, well because my head was a little swirly…

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