Fish Head Stew

Yesterday, as usual, we walked along the beach after dinner. There were three persons there fishing. Nearby, several fresh fish, caught by other people, was laying on the beach. Their fish fillet parts were cut off and gone. But, the remaining parts were still there, including the HEAD.

Mom picked them up with the dog poop bags provided by the city along the beach. Those three knew what Mom was doing. “To prepare fish head stew” they said.

Today, a day before heading back to Washington DC for our monthly trip home, we suppose to eat out. But, Mom would rather stay home and prepare her “Fish Head Stew” tonight.

I saw she was so excited to pick up fresh fish heads on the beach. I joked to her “You look more excited to pick up fresh fish heads on the beach than to pick up your husband in the church” 🙂

One thought on “Fish Head Stew”

  1. Hmmm. I am tempted to 'share'
    some of my more 'innovative'
    and creative ways of saving
    money, but I'm afraid I might
    shock those who are not into
    thrift-my father was good at it,
    I've taken it to a new level, though I
    am impressed by the fish head
    stew story…….At least you knew
    they were there for the 'picking.'
    ON OCCASION, i have helped myself
    to items which turn out to belong
    to someone and they have come
    after me, shrieking.
    I assume you recycle. Even though
    it is a 'racket' (they cheat
    on the scales for starters), I
    have been a picker up of Coke
    bottle since the early '50's.
    Nickel a glass bottle then.
    Jeremy was very helpful after
    I got rid of my car, in driving
    me and my bags to the recycler.
    Now i use a shopping cart and
    enjoy the image of emerging
    from my 'fancyish' house and
    rolling the half mile or so
    to the recycler. I happen to like
    the people who work (euphemism)
    and hang out (and drink) there.
    Recyling has become VERY competitive
    these days=just a few years ago,
    I could peer into my neighbors'
    cans and extract quite a load.
    NOw, as soon as the gardners put
    out the trash, the cart people
    are there (I dont think they line up, but..). And then at 2;30 am
    i hear some more, going for
    another round. Needless to say,
    there is NOTHING for them in
    my trash, or so I'd like to think,
    but some of these people are
    'clever' and 'creative.' In
    Orange County the recycle bins
    for private homes come with locks!

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