Great sock sort 2009.

Things are exciting around here.


Spent some time sorting through all the adult socks after the weekend laundry run, we got rid of the loners and the ones that we never wear. It’s a little confusing, the kids are both starting to wear my socks so I think my socks are finding their way into the kids’ drawer. As I said, very exciting around here.


Edda went to the dentist today – she was superb. Didn’t fuss through the cleaning, didn’t freak out, they even tried to do the panoramic X-ray which means you gotta be still for about 30 seconds. Jeremy and Edda knew it wouldn’t work, but you know, and I’m impressed that they even tried. No cavities, but they did mention the “O” word. Orthodontist. For the underbite. Yikes. But not for another 6 months.

I have started running again, this would be Week 4 of my training. I follow the routine in The Runner’s Handbook. I’m trying to work up to 30 minutes of running 5 or 6 times a week. I went to my own physical check-up about a week ago and my primary care physician started mentioning that I really needed to increase my calcium intake (at least equivalent to 2 glasses of milk a day) and also to do weight bearing exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days. So I managed to say that I had been running for 2 weeks at the appointment and she said, great! just run as slowly as you can so that you will find it relaxing and that you will want to do it everyday. As for the calcium, I have to admit, I was a bit floored about the 2 cups of milk (I don’t know why really, because I do think about it for the kids) – I don’t do milk – actually my total fluid intake is quite low, but I’m figuring out how to improve my calcium intake so when I slide into menopause (!), I won’t lose too much bone mass.


4 thoughts on “Great sock sort 2009.”

  1. HA HA HA. I now have written Joshua's name on all of his socks because his feet are larger than Scott's and I have no idea whose are whose. I buy socks with pink on them now for myself. Sorry about the "O" word. I got a job this year for that very financial reason.

  2. I had to laugh at this post because I have A HUGE back of socks hanging on my closet door that need sorted! I REALLY need to take time to do that….soon!

  3. Time changes. When I was in China, I only have two pairs of socks to change. May be three. When it is raing days, the socks were not that dry. I did not like that at all. I love the washer and dryer the best.

  4. Two glasses of milk a day…ugh! Wouldn't you rather have some delicious greek yogurt drizzled with maple syrup or fresh berries? Or, failing that, have a couple of Viactiv chewies…the chocolate ones are pretty good!

    Good luck with the running!

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