We went to the kids’ parent teacher conferences yesterday – both kids are doing well and enjoying school, they both like their teachers (we like the teachers too) and are having fun. It would be nice if they were in the same school (Vince asks quite often when Edda is going to go to his school), but they are not. At least not for now.
I think that since Edda is so severely disabled, I have been very much an easy going mom regarding Vince and his schoolwork. You know, Vince has so many things he can do like walking, talking, and feeding himself and it looks like he will be able to be employed when he is of the appropriate age so, really, I haven’t stressed out too much about the reams of schoolwork which come home each week.
If I had two typical kids, I’m sure I would know exactly which classrooms are the accelerated classrooms, which are the teachers to avoid, which kids are popular etc, etc… – all things that moms gossip and talk about. But I don’t know any of these things – I’m keeping myself out of the loop.
Also, I haven’t really been on the ball and fully prepping him on spelling words (MS Word spell check helps me out a lot), handwriting (who writes by hand anymore anyways?) and math drills. I actually didn’t understand that we were supposed to do these things with Vince, so the last few tests have been less than stellar. So at Vince’s meeting, his teacher carefully explained, spelling tests every other Friday and math quiz every Weds. and like the clueless mom that I am, I’m like, ohhhh! So that’s why you send home the yellow folder full of flash cards.
Jeremy spent some time cleaning the garage:
Don't feel bad. I always hear that about my daughter and spelling. Thing is, she gets 100% when I help her and about 80% when I don't. Maybe it is just that I make her focus on the words she doesnt' know.
School work is just part of, not the essential part though. I think necessary social skills is much more important. It not only makes one's life easier but also makes one's life more successful.
Lynae – 80% – I wish! Bring that down a few (or maybe many) notches and that's what we are talking about. 😉