Merry Christmas!

We had a very nice Christmas – we traveled to upstate NY to spend the time with Jeremy’s parents. I know I complained about Christmas earlier, but this year, I managed to make it through with good cheer. It was a pretty quiet year for us, no job turmoil, no one really sick, no moving, no drama. Thank goodness!

After the snowstorm, Jeremy plus kids plus dog headed up to the Hudson Valley. Since I don’t have very much vacation time, I stayed behind and worked until it got closer to Xmas.


It was weird being in the house all by myself – so I borrowed a neighbor’s dog during the day (it’s not easy taking a well-exposed picture of a black dog).


While I was working, the kids picked out a tree:


On Xmas eve, I went up via train and met up with the Martins.

Opening gifts (one gift on Xmas eve):


Vince with his big Xmas gift on Christmas morning:


Other nice pictures:



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