Late to the game.

Spent the evening talking about what makes Jason Beaver, no, I mean Justin Beiber famous. Also, we are spending time enjoying the following videos (I know, we are like 4 years behind, but we don’t have cable and just figured out we don’t even get CBS and we don’t get out to the Apple Store that much).

This weekend we: went out to a Chinese restaurant where I met my 2nd cousin (our grandparents were siblings), bought tubing to make a siphon and gravel for an aquarium (have I mentioned we are raising tadpoles?), visited a friend in the hospital with a burst appendix, bought a ping pong table at a yard sale of one of Ruby’s doggie pals who is moving to Geneva, went to Target to buy ping pong balls for said ping pong table, played ping pong, Vince partied with neighbors at a Mexican restaurant until 10:30pm, Edda partied at our local block party and had a BBQ/bacon/onion ring cheeseburger, went to McDonald’s, hosted a moon bounce at church, took a nap, went to a pool party, went to a goodbye dog party for Ruby’s pal who is going to Geneva (we got their ping-pong table), went to Sunday night family dinner where the Justin Beiber was discussed and where we ogled the new Toyota Sienna (video below). Also managed to do the weekly laundry.

2 thoughts on “Late to the game.”

  1. Your bread looks good. I would never attempt it. Too intimidating. we just got back from Big Bend where it was 112 down in the lower part! We were a cool 95. How do people live like that with no ac?

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