Office christmas party.

Last night we bundled up and headed out to downtown DC for Jeremy’s office Xmas party. In past years, it had been kind of a casual affair, good food, but usually 5-10 kids milling around. This time, it was in some sort of fancy – Dupont Circle restaurant. It was so fancy it had a tree with tea lights inside the restaurant.


And as it turned out that Vince and Edda were the only children in attendance. And I might have been the only one wearing a T-shirt with an astronaut on the front. Oh well. I had a good time (one glass of free wine and I’m automatically having a good time), and the restaurant entertained the kids with cookies that they could decorate with sprinkles prior to baking.


Edda said hello to a bunch of Jeremy’s coworkers who haven’t seen her since the last Xmas party and they all marveled how much taller she’s gotten (one person even said that she’s almost as tall as me! Yipes!)


One thought on “Office christmas party.”

  1. Caitlyn is getting close to my hight too…just below my chin now! Wonder how I'll manage it when she gets taller than me! My husband is 6'3, so it's bound to happen!! I guess our girls didn't get the "short stature" part of Rett Syndrome.

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