Catching up.

One of my resolutions this year has been to be off the computer after dinner and on the weekends and although I’m know I’m breaking my resolution now, I’ve been pretty good at keeping it and I feel like my blogging is suffering a little – it no longer is real time, which I guess is OK.

Anyways, what is real time is that Jeremy staggered into the house at 6:30 this morning after his 8 pm train from NYC pulled into Union Station well past the last Metro. He walked to his office building and got his feet soaking wet, said hello to the security guard at 1:30 am, and slept on the floor behind his desk which was hard and cold. Then as soon as the Metro started running at 5 am, he got on and came home and walked to our house which is about a mile away. He had to backtrack a few blocks because a fallen tree was blocking the entire street.

My parent’s plane landed at 3 pm just as the first flakes were falling and Super Shuttled it home, making it to their powerless house at 11pm.

I shoveled the whole driveway by myself this morning which is something I thought I could never do in a single attempt, but it took me only an hour and it made me feel good 🙂

Here’s Edda down in the basement, keeping me company while I plaster another one of the drywall holes in our wall. While I was patching up the hole, I almost drilled through a PVC drain pipe which would have been very ego-bruising and a lot of extra work.


2 thoughts on “Catching up.”

  1. Mom tested her being seated on Edda's car seat in the new van this morning while I was picking the mails. I saw her being lifting up, rotating in and pushing back into Edda's car seat. Work greatly. Hopefully, Edda shouldn't struggle too much to get into her car seat and fastened securely there.

    Btw, Rena and I are either go to work in Shanghai pretty soon or going to WA in March, and to Europe in May for vacation. Both choices aren't bad at all.

  2. THE VIEW today Friday the 28th just did the last 15 minute segment on Rett Syndrom!!!!! Everyone watch. I was really excited.

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