

Edda’s horse experience has shifted from hippotherapy to therapeutic riding simply because a certified OT is not overseeing her session anymore. Which is mainly a plus for us as the session is cheaper and seems not a lot different from before. I prefer make it even lower key by calling them Edda’s horseback riding lessons. It’s something we do for fun (or at least Edda and Jeremy do for fun, as I rarely go to the lessons).


I asked Jeremy if he remembered the name of the horse, and alas, he did not, so I might have to name this horse in the photo myself. Hmmm. It might help if I could figure out if the horse was a boy or girl.

Here’s Edda taking full advantage of the rocking motion of the horse by falling asleep sitting up. Woo hoo!


2 thoughts on “Hippotherapy.”

  1. Tell Jeremy he has to get to know the horses name. They are always the best. Like Hamilton or Diablo or Queso. How about Snowball. Pefect for a boy or girl?

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