Movie night at the elementary school. Every year, the elementary school hosts a movie night – they have a huge inflatable screen in the gym and hundreds of kids show up and make their parents sit cross legged on the floor to watch a movie. This year it was Rio (which amplified my desire to own a talking bird).
Jeremy and Edda stayed long enough to enjoy the pizza dinner and then they skedaddled back home which was not the original plan. Edda was already falling asleep and Jeremy can’t sit on the floor and -also- we thought we had set up camp on the “edge” of the viewing area so that our lawn chair and wheelchair weren’t blocking anyone’s sight line. But after a while it became clear that our chairs were basically in the middle of the gym. Oh well. Anyways, I kind of wish I was the one to leave because the noise from the kids was so loud, I could never hear the movie and they never dimmed the lights 100% and so I couldn’t sleep either. Vince had a great time though as can be seen from the photo above. The first thing I think about when I see that photo of the boys is “OMG! THE LICE ARE JUMPING FROM HEAD TO HEAD!”