We are back from our Christmas vacation in the mid-Hudson Valley. We spent a lovely week with all of Jeremy siblings (3!) and all of the grandchildren (4!). It was a lovely time – Katherine, my mother-in-law, did a lot of planning and arranging to make sure that the cooking/cleaning was evenly divided, that gift giving was primarily focused on the little ones and that there were little outings to break up the times that we were eating. The kids had a lovely time together and I really enjoyed a week where I ignored all my email and responsibilities for a week and rested and ate and slept pretty much to my hearts content. On the 6 hour drive home, Jeremy and I managed to put together a long, 2-column list of things to be done by the time we are back at work on Monday. So we are back slowly in the swing of things.
Backing up to before the holidays, Vince and Edda were in the annual Christmas pageant. I’m pretty sure this is the last year Vince is going to be in the performance. To say that he was not enthusiastic would be putting it mildly.
Edda was a chicken this year. Vince was a dog (which is really a role for a 5 year old, so one of the reasons he was a bit ornery was because his costume squished his noggin too much and gave him a headache). I have been searching high and low for a chicken hat as awesome as the one the church has, but so far, I have been unable to find one.