Before that, late afternoon, a friend of ours from Bellingham, WA, came to visit us while en-routing to his son’s family in Portland. Rena prepared some egg rolls together with veggie juice before they departed about half hour later.
At noon time, we had another scheduled. We were invited to a friend’s house on top of a mountain which just locates on the north side of the Columbia River, for potluck and BBQ. It has 50 acres with many beef cows too. The view is stunningly gorgeous and it is very beautiful. On the way back, Rena and I thought if we were10 years younger and with our current situations, we will very temping to buy this place. But, right now, we know we can’t keep up with all the work comes with the property there.
While at dinner last night, we discussed about our Thanksgiving gathering – east coast or west? Let Donald and Annie figure it out and, then, we can firm up with all our immediate family members – hers and ours. Don’t know just yet at this moment.
Ohhhhh I love her cooking! It has ruined restaurant food for me.