So many things in life – I both love and hate. For example – running, laundry, my job and ice cream. I also both love and hate Halloween. I love that it’s in the fall and it involves being crafty. I love that there are no gifts to be bought and that the whole neighborhood comes out to meet each other. I hate that it so starkly highlights how Edda really is missing out on so many things.
Last year, Edda and Vince were bacon and eggs and I didn’t really think I could top that this year, especially since Vince really, really wanted to be a bar of chocolate (which I thought was pretty lame). Edda I knew I wanted her to be Waldo from “Where’s Waldo?” and I ordered items from eBay over the past month for her. I kept procrastinating and delaying my starting efforts on Vince’s costume until the last possible moment. I think it all turned out very well – Vince and Edda both got a lot of great comments on their costumes.