As I was rounding the corner at the end of my run, I was lucky enough to catch Vince at the bus stop. He leaves so early in the morning that even though I leave in the pitch black to start my workout, I barely make it home in time to see him head off to school. Today was trash day so I found all the kids holding their noses to the aroma of trash trucks (which were nowhere to be seen) while Maxi and I stopped by for a little doggie hello.
Tonight I went to the middle school for Vince’s back-to-school night. It’s the same middle school that I went to thirty years ago which makes me very happy. The outside of the school looks very different than the school did thirty years ago – I assumed that they tore the whole thing down and renovated it in the early 90s when the school system had a lot of money to do these kinds of renovations – so I thought as I walked in that although it was the same school, it really wasn’t physically the SAME school. However, two steps into the front hallway, I realized with much happiness that they must have actually just built a new wing, or maybe installed air conditioning or something very minor because the school looks exactly the same as I remember. I think that maybe he’s taking social studies in the same classroom I took social studies in.
My pathopharmocolgy teacher was in the Pentagon on 9/11 – she’s a life long military nurse and was at the Pentagon in a non-clinical role (nursing policy?) when the plane hit and she helped triage all the wounded people at the Pentagon and get them mostly to burn centers in the area. When I walked out of class at 7 pm, I saw that in the two hours I’d been at class, the whole lawn was covered with US flags to get ready for the campus memorial tomorrow.