
Patti owns a beautiful house in Chincoteague, VA and invited a bunch of neighborhood moms for a weekend at the beach.  Patti’s kids are a bit older than mine.  Her son, Bryson, is the youngest of 4 kids.  Bryson is good friends with Vince, that’s how I know Patti.  I have seen most of these women at parties at Patti’s house, but I’ve never had the chance to really sit down and chat.

I learned a lot of neighborhood gossip and history. The weather was glorious.  And, as Patti will be the first to admit, the drive was a little bit long – 3.5 hours each way.   I drove 7 hours for less than 24 at the beach house which was hard for me to do, because I don’t really like to drive.  But I got to know some women in the neighborhood better.

I can’t believe I’m going to write the next sentence.  I had a final this morning at 10 am and I blew off studying this whole weekend to go to the beach.  I have never walked into a final any less prepared.

One of the things I was most looking forward to was my weekend run at sunrise at the nearby National Wildlife Refuge.  While everyone else was sleeping, I was running and watching the sunrise and seeing all the beautiful birds!

2 thoughts on “Chincoteague”

  1. No studying. For shame. Yet the world kept turning and the sunset was beautiful. Maybe you just figured out what is truly important. Plus, I'm sure you did fine.

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