
Right after Dave left, Denise (au pair #3) came to visit us for a few days.  Ah, Denise! It was so nice to see her.  We went to the zoo, a yoga class, got our nails done and a few lunches.  What would I do without the kind, caring people who take care of Edda? I would stress out a lot more.  I enjoy being a stand-in mom to these girls.  Denise is starting the process of getting a motorcycle licence.  I told Denise sternly to not get a motorcycle.  It’s the motherly thing to do.  I think she might have listened.  Maybe not, I can only try.

A few photos from the zoo.  Memorial Day at the National Zoo.  It was hot.  The parking lot was full and cars were being directed away – but with Edda we managed a spot right near the front entrance.

Running through the cooling sprinklers.

Hello prairie dog!

Jeremy and Edda watching the sea lion (?) otter (?) walrus (?) manatee (?).  I dunno.  Oh!  And we did see the baby panda.  He was a small bundle of fur high up in a tree.

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