Jeremy came home from Iowa at 4pm Saturday. Look at this photo! Button-down shirt with tie (+ nametag) in the middle of a corn field. Funny.
Nice flower photo, Jeremy.
He took the new Silver Line home from Dulles which opened that day. There were some very exicited public transportation fans (other than Jeremy) riding the brand new line.
When he got home at 4pm, he started packing for a backpacking trip to Gila, NM.
At 5 am on Sunday (a mere 13 hours after he arrived home), we all tumbled into the minivan and delivered Jeremy and Vince to BWI. Edda and I trundled home and took a nap. By the time I had made breakfast for myself and fed Edda breakfast and had the dishes cleaned and put away, the boys had made it to El Paso. Then onto a train from El Paso to Deming, NM.
Finally to Gila where it is surprisingly green. They headed off this morning – hiking into the cellular-free wilderness. They will come out on Friday. Edda and I are furiously decluttering the house before they get home.