I want to be a person who loves December. I don’t love December – even when I tell myself it’s all about hope, joy and love which I’m perfectly capable of successfully reminding myself the other 11 months of the year (mostly). I’m trying all the things: eating carbs/not eating carbs, exercising/not exercising, napping/not napping, working more/working less, more social/less social (which means curling up under the covers). Gah. The shortening of the days and the forced holiday joyfulness makes me moody and melancholy.
But! Holiday cheerfulness still abounds in the house. Sam and Hannah were over today making gingerbread houses. Note: I did not coordinate this fun. It was all Vince and Nat’s idea and Sam and Hannah just happened to stumble by because they accidentally locked themselves out of their house.
There was even a youtube fireplace going on in the background.
Here’s Donald having some fun at his work holiday party. It’s a proven fact that people have more fun in California. Jeremy’s work party is next week. I’m pretty sure we won’t be having this much fun.
Donald as a Playbot Bunny. NIIICEEE!