My clinical on Mondays got moved to today because Monday was Labor Day. We walked around downtown Gaithersburg (the most diverse city in America), we’re suppose to do a report about Gaithersburg as a community – I’m not really sure how much we found out today as we got coffee at a cute coffee shop.
Got a lady to open her antique shop a little early. I do like community health, I could do public health in the future. I’ve learned that no one ever remembers what drugs they have been prescribed. Heck – I don’t even know the name of the antibiotic I’m taking right this moment.
Gong Gong got a new math student today (Sam). They are learning how to bisect angles. “Ridiculously easy” reports Vince. We’ll see how the test goes tomorrow.
It was back to school night for Edda. We had a minor childcare mix-up, Kitachi thought everyone was going to back to school night (I was unclear) and so we did end up taking Edda back to see Mr. Twigg. But first: a hamburger for dinner.
We <3 Mr. Twigg.
Edda’s having a great time at school – lots of happy smiles when she gets home. She does love Mr. Twigg too. And for us, we met 2 other families in Edda’s class and they were really nice. Like really, really nice. This never happens. I can’t tell you how many back to school nights we’ve gone to where we are the only parents that show up. But we had a lot of fun this back to school night.