Third shot of the HPV vaccine this morning at the pediatrician. Vince got to miss Chinese class, he was excited about this and he doesn’t mind getting shots so much these days. Begone cervical, oral pharynx, and other various nether region cancers! Hopefully Vince’s generation will see very low numbers of these.
We had to wait a few minutes for the nurse to come in and he took the time to make fun of my shoes. He asked how much money I spent on them and I told him ($70 on super sale, a great deal for Danskos) and he was horrified. You can buy 2 pairs of Vans for that price! Your shoes look like ugly carpeting he tells me.
He thinks he mistakenly washed his hair with lotion instead of shampoo last night. Hence the weird, standing up hair. I asked how he could possibly mistake one for the other and he said that he was asleep while he was taking the shower.
I tried to make challah today (it’s Friday – time for challah, right?) from Jen’s grandmother’s recipe.
There is a variable amount of flour based on the “feel” of the dough. I didn’t know what I was feeling for and I think I added too little. They came out flat. But I still ate half of one warm out of the oven with butter and extra salt.
We ate dinner out with mom and dad. We had no cash for a cash only place…thanks mom for buying us dinner.
Jeremy’s cookie competition was today. He lost to white chocolate chunk & cherry. Jeremy did really want to use cherry in his cookies, but we all told him noooooooo – use the chocolate based cookie. So he will not be defending his title – which is just as well. When he won last year, there were so many cookies for so long in the house that we all gained a few pounds just going through the contenders.