Sunrise, time trial, Adriana’s birthday.


Gorgeous sunrise this morning.


Jeremy did a 20 min time trial on his bike this morning to measure his FTP.  FTP is not file transfer protocol (which is the first thing I think of when someone says FTP), rather, it’s functional threshold power – a measure of how fit you are on the bike.


Data from the time trial.  This is way too much sporting data for me, but Jeremy seems to enjoy it.



Edda is so happy these days.


Adriana, who helps out with Edda on Mon and Wed nights, has a birthday tomorrow, we celebrated with a lot of flames!


2 thoughts on “Sunrise, time trial, Adriana’s birthday.”

  1. Wow I have not been able to check in here in a few days. So much going on! First of all HAPPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY Kiki. Sorry this is so late!

    Vince, you look so handsome in that suit.

    Love the sunrise picture. So pretty.

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