Declutter, postcards, old-fashioned.


Wed.  (OK now it’s Thursday morning).  I’m in a mood.  I feel like the house is too cluttered and I start throwing stuff out.  Then Vince and Jeremy get all nervous.  Are you throwing my stuff away, they ask?  ummm, yeah!  It’s all your stuff that is driving me crazy – you crazy hoarders you.  I told them I decluttered our shoe closet and that my criteria for throw-away-ness was any shoe that they hadn’t worn in the last two days.  Jeremy said – thank goodness I’m wearing some shoes right now so you didn’t have the chance to throw that pair away.


Wed night is quilt night at the UU church.  Activism and crafting at the same time.  Efficient.  A few postcards of encouragement to the Muslim community & an update on the relative disorganization of the established Democratic system and how now certain groups are just not waiting around for those fuddy-duddies and going ahead and doing their own thing and then I’m good to go.


This is the quilt we are making this year.  I little old fashioned for my taste, but it’s OK.  I’m the newest member and I don’t know how to quilt, so I’m keeping my mouth shut and just doing what they tell me.


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