Secret life of pets, new glasses, 19 years!


Edda seems to be telling us that she’s getting tired of the 10 movies that she has been watching for the last decade.  For ten years, we’ve had these movies on and she has generally been happy to watch them, pacing back and forth in front of the TV, laughing, sitting on the couch and getting up from the couch and laughing some more.  Now, when we have them on, she’ll wander all over the room, swing at stuff on the island and knock plates and cups to the floor, threaten to ignite the stove, hunt you down while you are on the computer or trying to cook or read or whatever and insist on getting a taste of what you are eating or just leaning into your body and hitting you on the head.  And she’s kind of slightly moaning all the time.  I’m so bored mom, I can just see her telling me.  So we keep trying new videos.  Today I tried Secret Life of Pets.  We sat together & I kind of liked the beginning.  Edda loved the beginning!  So much laughing and smiling, but then I had to let her be and go back to work and then within 10 minutes, there was a lot of moaning again.  Mom!  I hate this movie.  So we went back to one of her old movies and it was OK for the rest of the afternoon.  I have no idea.  This child is a mystery.



Jeremy broke his glasses this weekend, so he spent a big part of the day getting a new prescription for lenses and trying out a bunch of glasses.  It meant I got a lot of texts with Jeremy in a variety of very similar looking glasses.  This was at Warby Parker in Bethesda.



Our 19th anniversary is tomorrow.  We celebrated tonight at La Limena Grill on the pike.  Delicious Peruvian dishes – some with Chinese or Italian influences.


And then a walk.


We are so old.


He’s wearing the dorky yellow strap to keep his broken glasses on his head.  He wants you to know he’s picked out his shirt to match it.


One thought on “Secret life of pets, new glasses, 19 years!”

  1. Hey you guys HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I had it on my calendar but that obviously means nothing or I would have gotten you a card. I am so glad you two found each other. You are a great team.

    I like Warby Parker styles.

    Has Edda had her eyes checked before. Maybe she isn't keen on movies because she needs glasses?

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