Jeremy is in Seattle and I’m at the hospital on Wed & Thurs. In order to pull this little miracle off, I’m asking Ning to do a favor and pinch hit for two days in the morning during her maternity leave and then Kitachi will do the afternoons into the early evenings. I’m hoping for no snow days (there might be snow on Thurs) – but if there is snow on Thurs – Vince said he’d take care of Edda, though he said he could do everything (feeding, TV watching, making sure she stays away from fire) except the diapering. Ning volunteered to backup on Thursday to partner with Vince so it’ll be the two of them as she’ll have a 2.5 month old at the same time to mind. She’s OK with the diapering I think, lol. Anyways, Edda doesn’t like pooping mid-day, so I don’t mind Vince leaving her in an ever increasingly wet diaper during the day. It would only be one day. Do you know my new year’s resolution? To control my time again. This is generally ridiculous. It is a lesson in shift work though – the general impossibility of combining it with any sort of regular childcare. I also invested in some microwave, easy dinners for Vince and Kitachi and Edda as I won’t be home until late. They’ll be OK. Mostly.
Two more shifts until I head to NYC for the weekend – to celebrate our 20th anniversary only 5 months late. We might get snowed out there too, we have to wait for the weekend forecast.